Education for All

Although the education of women and girls is closely tied to good health and women’s economic empowerment, women and girls in Indonesia’s do not get the educational support they need and deserve. To help reduce barriers that prevent girls from being educated and to equip women to become leaders in their community, we launched our Educating for All since 2006. Education is important for everyone, but it has special significance for girls. Education must be combined with other social investments, especially in reproductive health as a part of primary health care. Education and health care together offer individuals and families, especially young people, the chance to make more responsible choices in their lives. The STAPA education for All theme focus with the theme of  quality education for all, improving the welfare and status of female young teachers and education personnel, ending discrimination in education. With each year, this theme has increase – reaching more local organisations in more districts, and also working more with local grass root  organisations to link local action with regional and national advocacy.

The objective strategic this theme : To work for equal access of women and girls to education at all levels, To mobilise support for the implementation of the, the Beijing Platform of Action, ILO Conventions 100, 111 and 183 which promote equality for women and the removal of the “glass ceiling” that impedes women’s access to decision-making positions. to contribute to the accomplishment of basic education for all by 2015 [MDG’s], as specified in the Framework for Action of the Dakar Education for All Forum in April 2000, and the young women mobilization of the necessary increased resources for education, by allocating at least 10% of the Gross National Product to national education budgets, STAPA actively for hold Indonesia government to achievement of the fundamental rights to quality education for all persons without discrimination through the establishment, protection and promotion of publicly funded and regulated systems of education that will provide equality of educational opportunity. STAPA regularly play an active and leading role in the Campaign For Education to achieve the implementation of the Goal of 2 MDG’s; Universal primary education
