Minority Rights

STAPA believes that an important test of a genuine democracy is how it treats its racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. In the enlargement process, great importance is attached to progress in policies to combat racism and to protect minorities in local and national level. STAPA refers to the following racist, homophobia, and xenophobic behaviors: (a) public incitement to discrimination, violence or racial hatred in respect of a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to colour, to sexual orientation, race, religion or national or ethnic origin; (b) public condoning, for a racist or xenophobic purpose, of crimes against humanity and human rights violations; (e) participation in the activities of groups, organizations or associations, which involve discrimination, violence, or racial, ethnic or religious hatred.

Through advocacy, training and education, publications and the media, STAPA supports minority groups as they strive to maintain their rights to the religion they believe, the languages they speak, to the sexual orientation, to equal opportunities in education and employment, and to full participation in public life. STAPA understands how discrimination based on age, religion, class, ethnic, linguistic, gender and dis[ability] can have a multiple impact on disadvantaged minorities, and our campaigns target governments and communities to eradicate such attitudes.

STAPA also promotes cooperation and understanding between communities, as well as encourages cooperation and understanding by bringing together groups with different views to share experiences and solve problems collaboratively. This helps build bridges across communities, while analysing case studies and promoting good practice. In partnership with others, STAPA seeks to persuade decision-makers – and through them communities – of the need for constructive change involving minorities.

Finally, STAPA is dedicated to the values of peaceful coexistence and tolerant interaction between different cultures, ethnoses and religions in local and national level. STAPA works with some of the best experts on issues like minority rights, minority integration, and inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations including sexual minority groups who have . STAPA’s work in the sphere of education has lead to the breaking up of conservatism and prejudices and helped the establishment of new, growing and increasingly vocal elite within the minority communities.
