STAPA CENTER [Social Transformation and Public Awarenss Center], is a NGO (non government organization), not for profit, independent, that aims to strengthen, and to defense of civil society.

STAPA-CENTER solidarity-based citizens-local based organisation founded in 10 November 1999, it is a not for profit, non partisan, non sectarian and independent NGO.

STAPA is committed to building civil society in grass root level. STAPA-CENTER is legal and registered organistion, the notaries document was legalized on 67/19/Nop/2007 and officially listed as state court of justice of Pasuruan No. 20/11/2007.

In places on the interest of the people, in belief that marginalised rural and urban communities are the main subject and stakeholders with access and control over the STAPA activities.

STAPA-CENTER lives by the following values; equality, justice, tolerance, peace, honesty and transparency, solidarity with poor and, marginalized, humanity, non-violence.

STAPA-CENTER founded in November 10, 1999 it’s member consist of various culture such are student activist, women’s activist, religious leader, lawyer, and civilian that has a vision for a creation of community obsession for a strong ness of civil society which is free from the oppress, exploitation, and state hegemonic. The obsession is actualized by building a vision and mission for democratic society and justice, which accommodate the voice and managed based on the values of human rights, social justice, gender equality, non-violence, accountability, transparent, and environment preservation, and culture.
